Channels are simply vectors of points.
Viewing Channels
To switch between model view or channel view, use the view command. You can also split windows to view both. change the view to model or channel viewview <model|channel>Split the screen vertically
VexploreSplit the screen horizontally
Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division of Channels
For calls that have the storeObj, that parameter represents the object that you would like to store the result in. These calls are similar to those made in assembly language:
channel <op> <storeObj> <opObj1> <opObj2> channel sub <storeObj> <opObj1> <opObj2> channel add <storeObj> <opObj1> <opObj2> channel mult <storeObj> <opObj1> <opObj2> channel div <storeObj> <opObj1> <opObj2>
Combine components of channels to create a new channel
This will take the y coordinates, the value, of each channel and create a new channel with corresponding x,y, and z values. This is useful for writing data out to a channel file for use in combine <storeObj> <opObj1> <opObj2> [<opObj3>]
Take derivatives
channel derivative
Create trig functions
channel sine channel cosineHere is an example where an audio file was read in as a channel:

Channels are very useful for animations, and due to their relation to dat files, can be used to produce data. Here is an example of using the differentiation properties of Channels to compute velocities of a robot.
This example demonstrates project channels as a series of vectors onto an orientation vector of a path to get relative velocities from global velocities.

#geometry begin draw -42.986359 0.000000 -161.505905 72.144562 0.000000 -133.049271 53.007648 0.000000 -75.100830 25.311291 0.000000 -71.369354 72.692039 0.000000 -35.115093 84.370277 0.000000 -0.051152 69.576408 0.000000 17.777941 110.200920 0.000000 54.075329 101.548195 0.000000 79.260445 134.768860 0.000000 129.695953 99.624092 0.000000 157.830841 81.754204 0.000000 190.876801 28.939680 0.000000 150.262802 -52.572563 0.000000 156.140579 -56.888523 0.000000 96.161293 -118.679916 0.000000 62.400398 -102.872795 0.000000 -18.442293 -139.617828 0.000000 -68.077019 -126.845184 0.000000 -120.871452 -90.685837 0.000000 -76.121346 -46.543739 0.000000 -45.473595 -43.460850 0.000000 -6.188660 -6.035586 0.000000 2.403744 0.104409 0.000000 -57.808102 -27.539986 0.000000 -96.501686 -36.144970 0.000000 -126.619606 -72.958359 0.000000 -128.988510 -106.687439 0.000000 -158.401428 -144.618301 0.000000 -147.844040 end name path bspline 10 begin draw 8.133569 0.000000 -39.505905 115.961449 0.000000 -40.900230 147.566162 0.000000 -39.041130 152.678696 0.000000 -22.309217 157.791229 0.000000 0.000000 155.002579 0.000000 10.225058 133.158142 0.000000 19.520565 110.848915 0.000000 19.520565 40.203068 0.000000 17.661463 end name sphere revolve 360 0 0 1 poly scale 0.1 poly rotate 90 0 0 1 poly rotate 90 1 0 0 path sphere path add cam name headCam path headCam path 0 10 0 1 -5 lookat headCam sphere begin draw 0 0 -10 end name point copy point path align points name wheel2 begin draw 0 0 10 end name point2 copy point2 path align points name wheel1 convert wheel1 channel convert wheel2 channel convert path channel Sexplore view channel s tx0 c derivative name dx0 s tz0 c derivative name dz0 s tx1 c derivative name dx1 s tz1 c derivative name dz1 s tx2 c derivative name orientX s tz2 c derivative name orientZ # the z is in the y place! c combine leftWheel dx0 dz0 c combine rightWheel dx1 dz1 c combine orient orientX orientZ c project projR orient0 rightWheel0 c project projL orient0 leftWheel0 s tx2 c solo s tx1 c enable s tx0 c enable s dx0 c enable s dx1 c enable disp wireframe disp axis disp ortho Vexplore add cam cam top m 0 160 0This was a demo for this project at Cal Day at UC Berkeley: