Copy objects (to objects or just plain copy). The geo option will keep the geometry and its matrix referenced, otherwise only the polygons of the object will be referenced. If align is specified, the template object will be considered a curve and a coordinate frame will be built for each point copied and the objects will align themselves to the curve.
copy <object> copy <object> <templatePoints> [<align> <geo>]Write out a hierarchical group as a single obj
geo write <somelobj>

Below is the source!
add grid 0 0 1 4 extrude 0 0 0 10 name shape compute begin draw -10 -10 -10 -10 0 0 30 0 0 50 0 0 70 40 0 100 130 30 60 65 60 30 30 70 0 0 40 0 50 30 -50 60 10 -70 70 0 -100 100 -30 -60 120 0 -40 50 -60 -20 30 -120 40 -50 -60 end bezier 30 name path copy shape path align add geo name car path car path